Larysa’s Story

Larysa’s Story

Finding Family at Daystar

When Larysa’s husband passed away six years ago, her world turned upside down. He had been the primary provider for their family, and his loss left Larysa not only in deep grief but also alone and struggling to manage her finances. Originally from another country, Larysa had no other family nearby to lean on.

Over the years, she found herself in situations where she couldn’t make ends meet. That’s when she discovered Daystar. Larysa visited us for help with groceries from our pantry and fresh produce from our garden. A few times, she also turned to us for clothing when she needed essential items.

Most recently, Larysa faced the possibility of her electricity being shut off. With no one else to turn to, she came to Daystar. Her utility bill was more than she could afford, and she could only pay a small portion of it. Thanks to generous supporters like you, we were able to step in and cover the remaining amount of her electricity bill, guaranteeing her power stayed on.

Larysa was incredibly grateful. She came back to Daystar with a heartfelt, handwritten card to personally thank our staff and volunteers.

She said, “I have you as my family. I had no one, and now I have you.. You do the best you can for people. [All of] you are wonderful people.”

Larysa’s story is a reminder of why we do what we do. Together, we’re more than a resource. We’re a community, a support system, and sometimes, the family that someone needs during their hardest times.

Thank you for making moments like this possible.
